Dress Rehearsal Information

Date and Time:        Saturday, June 1st from 9:30 AM to 8:00 PM

Location:                  Weehawken High School at 53 Liberty Place, Weehawken

Dress Rehearsal is not optional!   It is mandatory that every student is present.

If your child is in multiple numbers, they are required to attend the rehearsal for each number.

A Dress Rehearsal is a full-scale rehearsal or practice of your child’s dance performance before the show.  This final practice is intended to acclimate the dancers to the stage and allows the teachers and stage crew to make sure every detail of the show meets expectations.  All dancers must wear their full costumes along with hair and makeup to the dress rehearsal.  It is the only time they will run through their numbers on stage with the lighting backdrops, floor and/or body microphones as well as the props used for the upcoming performance.


The schedule is attached.  Find your child’s class in the left column and go all the way to the end of that row for the rehearsal start time and end time.   Rehearsal Schedule 2024

Important Dress Rehearsal Tips:

·        Dress Rehearsal location will be the same location as the show NOT the studio!

·        All dancers must wear their full costumes along with hair and make-up during the dress rehearsal.

·        If your child has a rehearsal for two or more numbers on the same day, we ask that you come into the theater and assist with their costume change(s).  It is your responsibility to ensure that they are changed into their next costume.  We will have changing tents set up for costume changes. 

·        For those that need parking, we suggest that you find street parking, or schedule a drop-off and pick-up.

·        Please be on time.  We need to follow the schedule as stated and therefore cannot wait for anyone if they are late.

·         Double-check that you have all the items that you need, including shoes, costumes, accessories, and tights.   Label, Label, Label EVERYTHING!  

We will see you at REHEARSAL!!!